Wednesday, 5 November 2008

Sunday 2 November

The final day of the tour began with a rehearsal with the choirs of All Saints for Eucharist. We sang the mass setting on our own, but the anthems were sung by the combined choirs. The Gloria from Haydn’s ‘Little Organ Mass’ was sung from memory and took all of 45 seconds. One highlight of the service was a gentleman in traditional African dress, who walked behind the Gospel procession waving a rod, on the end of which was a paper dove with two long streamers as a tail, presumably representing the Holy Spirit. I for one look forward to the introduction of a similar feature at Hereford.

After lunch and farewells, the long journey home began. A coach trip back to Boston, then by plane to Philadelphia. A short break, then the 'red-eye' flight back to London and an opportunity to catch up on some sleep.

All in all, a very enjoyable trip. Some new friends made, some old ones reunited and a chance to see different parts of the world.