Today's weather has been as bright and sunny as yesterday's was cold and wet. In the morning we visited the Science Center, were the boys enjoyed exhibits which simulated weightlessness, and a variety of other interesting things. Some also toured the submarine USS Requin, which is moored there. We then travelled on to the Pittsburgh Trolley Museum, which has a variety of trolley buses (trams) on display and enjoyed a journey on the line the museum operates.
Then it was onto Wheeling WV. After the rehearsal, we had dinner, with a very nice pasta soup. During the break before the concert, the choristers were given a tour of the nearby police station, and had a look inside a squad car.
That evening's concert was in front of a large and enthusiastic audience, but as it was quite late and the return journey to Pittsburgh would take an hour and a half, it was straight back on the bus.